Core Values
Mission and vision: Using our product and services manage the creative & brilliant businesses fully optimized. APTERP will help companies be fully secured, competitive, complete, work professional, powerful, qualitative in a Simple, Healthy, Peaceful and Ethical manner – good for the Society and to the next generations.
Conceptual Refining: We continuously refine our core business concepts and processes through methodical application of experience, principles, insights regardless of obstacles faced, changing objectives and evolving business thoughts and challenges.
Continuous Learning: We have conceptualized, designed and developed our solutions through deep thinking, research & consultation with professional experts in each industry segment to maintain relevance and quality in business process alignment, we consider this as an on going and relentless exercise, which keep our solutions innovative and proficient to positively transform the business and user experience.
Ingenuous Design: We strive to use simple design, yet effective logic, formulas, algorithms, values and definitions to design and develop functional user interfaces and workflows resulting in better-inbuilt process flows, event control, communication, documentation and integrations tools.
Futuristic Solutions: To develop solutions that are user friendly and at the same time supports changeable functionality aligned in a manner to meet a variety of business requirements and ensuring that the solutions can be flexibility reconfigured to grow along with business needs.
Surpass Expectations: Using easily understood business logic and aligned process flows; we always meet and exceed the challenges put in front of us particularly when it comes to end user requirements. Maintaining our impeccable track record is critical for us and we always make every effort to satisfy and exceed the exceptions of our clients and users.
Easy Adaptions: To offer solutions with ease of customization and configurations for the interface, documents and reports, wherein the business could be up and running in no time and future adaptations can be undertaken easily to leverage competitive opportunities. With out loose the existing workflow to manage the product we update the look and feel with the latest technology and modernization.
Product Maintenance: Planned product audits ensure timely support that gives stability our our product line. Ongoing development or add-on features and extensions enable business to take advantage of new requirements without compromising on existing functions. Regular system up-date and version up-grades always ensure the organization is on the current version and there by adaptable to change and growth.
Standardized Deployment: We rely on our standardized and proven deployment methodologies and best practices to ensuring process encompassing as Holding Company – Group/Area/Location/Branch/Cost Center/Department entities have always resulted in successful deployment without disrupting day-to-day operations for all our clients.
Customer Loyal: Our solutions has been applied in different industries and business verticals since 1991, each time meeting unique needs in a different yet unique manner. We do this by evolving the solution to the unique ideals of the business, making it special only to their own line of business, there by sustaining their competitive strength, and maintaining market momentum even within the same business segment. We also value their inputs, which provided opportunity for continuous growth as a term, by learning from them and providing for, their ideas, and changing requirements. Our Customers are UNIQUE and Competitive same time they all are using same product.
Secure Platform: To ensure a secure and robust platform for maintaining our customer’s vital business data is our top priority. The current, 5-th generations solutions incorporates many innovations to manage any clients business process and has been proven to be the best options for secure data management. This is because the solution has high-level security for effective control over data, document and infrastructure – fully supporting organizations data requirements.
Caring Hands: We always endeavor to extract and nurture the inborn talents of each team member and thus have inspired them to form a wonderful team of experienced, refined, trained and motivated professionals who are committed to stay with us as long term because we care and value their growth, on professional, personal and social levels.
The Extra Mileage: Always attempts to offer value addition to our customers in all sphere of their business requirements. We provide support not just for our own solutions but often go the extra mile to provide assistance Operations, Security, Standards, Legal, Audit, Health Safety, Clean Environment, Human Resource, Financial Management, IT and Infrastructure Management. We connect and closely work with all the top Consulting companies and Institutions to extent resources and expand customer presence rest of the world.
Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to all Government procedures, rules and regulations in our firm commitment; we always maintains our business organization and activities within the frame of the low of the Land
Ethical Values: We strongly believe our professional ethics is the key to having successfully managed business since 1991. Our deep rooted belief in our Product and business commitment leads us to provide service beyond the call of normal duty to support our customers both new and old and all kind of business communities irrespective of Geography, Activity and Size
—APT Team—